Ministry Opportunities
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
1 Peter 4:10
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
AWANA Leaders:
Those who serve in AWANA can be anything from teachers to game directors. AWANA helps reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. AWANA is held on Wednesday nights during the school year.
Children’s Sunday School:
Sunday School is a time to teach children topical and theological subjects to help them navigate God’s word in their lives. Children's Sunday School is held every Sunday at 10:45am. Contact Pastor Josh Steele with any questions.
Guest Services:
We need people with servant's hearts, a shepherd's eye, and the gift of hospitality. We need people to welcome people to church, assist our guests with issues that might come up, and to work at our information table.
Hospitality Teams:
Help to provide a welcome and hospitable environment on Sunday mornings by providing coffee and other refreshments. Hospitality team members typically serve one to two times per month, for about an hour, by arriving early to services to set up and/or clean up refreshments and serving areas.
Those who serve in this ministry provide love to our littlest members. Nursery team members work on a rotating schedule. You can choose which time works for you: 9am Service, 10:45am Sunday School, 6 pm Evening Service, 6:30 Wednesday Night Activities (AWANA, Rooted Teens, Adult Classes). See Becky Brown
Rooted Teens:
Rooted Teens is a place to mentor and develop relationships with youth through adult/youth interaction. If you are interested in becoming a Leader or a Teacher, contact Pastor Josh Steele.
Tech Team:
There are many opportunities for people with passion and skill in the area of technology to serve at UGBC. Our live and online services have opportunities for: Sound Operators, Camera Operator, Video Production, and much more! Contact if this is something you have interest in.
Worship Team:
The Worship Team is always welcoming new members. Worship Team members typically serve 2-3 times per month with rehearsals on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, along with Sunday morning services. If you have experience playing an instrument and/or singing and would like to be a part of a team contract Pastor Josh Steele.
If you are interested in any of the opportunities below fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you!
Those who serve in AWANA can be anything from teachers to game directors. AWANA helps reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. AWANA is held on Wednesday nights during the school year.
Children’s Sunday School:
Sunday School is a time to teach children topical and theological subjects to help them navigate God’s word in their lives. Children's Sunday School is held every Sunday at 10:45am. Contact Pastor Josh Steele with any questions.
Guest Services:
We need people with servant's hearts, a shepherd's eye, and the gift of hospitality. We need people to welcome people to church, assist our guests with issues that might come up, and to work at our information table.
Hospitality Teams:
Help to provide a welcome and hospitable environment on Sunday mornings by providing coffee and other refreshments. Hospitality team members typically serve one to two times per month, for about an hour, by arriving early to services to set up and/or clean up refreshments and serving areas.
Those who serve in this ministry provide love to our littlest members. Nursery team members work on a rotating schedule. You can choose which time works for you: 9am Service, 10:45am Sunday School, 6 pm Evening Service, 6:30 Wednesday Night Activities (AWANA, Rooted Teens, Adult Classes). See Becky Brown
Rooted Teens:
Rooted Teens is a place to mentor and develop relationships with youth through adult/youth interaction. If you are interested in becoming a Leader or a Teacher, contact Pastor Josh Steele.
Tech Team:
There are many opportunities for people with passion and skill in the area of technology to serve at UGBC. Our live and online services have opportunities for: Sound Operators, Camera Operator, Video Production, and much more! Contact if this is something you have interest in.
Worship Team:
The Worship Team is always welcoming new members. Worship Team members typically serve 2-3 times per month with rehearsals on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, along with Sunday morning services. If you have experience playing an instrument and/or singing and would like to be a part of a team contract Pastor Josh Steele.
If you are interested in any of the opportunities below fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you!
If you are interested in volunteering, complete the volunteer form below.
