Our church's nursery provides a safe, nurturing environment for our children to allow the parents the freedom to worship without distraction. The nursery serves families during Sunday worship services and Sunday School, as well as during other activities throughout the week, such as AWANA. The nursery & toddler room is open to children from newborn through 4 years (until they graduate to Sunday School and Junior Church). The nursery is staffed with adult and teen volunteers, with at least two people in each nursery room.
Rooms are divided by age group: babies (birth - 2 yrs.) and toddlers 3-4 year old).
Rooms are divided by age group: babies (birth - 2 yrs.) and toddlers 3-4 year old).

Becky Brown ensures the Infant & Toddler Nursery is equipped with loving & capable workers, allowing parents to comfortably attend UGBC Services!