Who we are

Core Values


Jesus truly is a friend to all, and we desire to emulate that every day by extending His love to others and meeting people where they are.


God wants each of us to know the joy of forgiveness that comes when we honestly and completely turn to Christ.


By serving others with our unique talents and abilities in Christ, and by receiving from them in return, we find true joy.
Union Grove Baptist Church is a non-denominational church based in Union Grove-WI.
Pastor Rich & Pastor Josh uses an expository style (verse-by-verse). The Scriptures are taught in their literal, contextual,  grammatical & historical framework.
During our worship gathering, you can expect meaningful relationships, live worship, and weekly sermons from one of our pastors.

Learn more about what we believe

Come Check Us Out!

What to Expect

When you arrive, you will be greeted at the door. We offer children's programming for infants through 4th grade. A typical service will last about 75 minutes. We begin by singing worship songs, announcements, and prayer. Then, you'll hear an inspiring message from one of our pastors. We believe everyone, no matter what your background, deserves to hear about God’s love, so we encourage you to COME AS YOU ARE!